Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blog Post for DMA250 (For 3/10/2009) Organize Content

Some of the things below are missing a few projects and description. I currently do not have the time to do this right now and will update over spring break.

Under the 3D Artwork - 3D Animation tab

Title: Snap (2009)
Objective: To create a short story with the character showing emotion.
Programs: Maya 2008 & Photoshop CS3

Title: Picture Down! (2008)
Objective: To create a short story with everyday objects as characters.
Programs: Maya 2008 & Photoshop CS3

Title: Machine Animation (2008)
Objective: To show ability to animated machinery.
Programs: Maya 2008 & Photoshop CS3

Title: Robot Animation (2008)
Objective: Animate a rigged robot to show realistic emotion.
Programs: Maya 2008 & Photoshop CS3

Title: Walk Cycle Animation (2008)
Objective: To show ability to do a walk cycle and secondary motion.
Programs: Maya 2008 & Photoshop CS3

Title: Future Car Model Turnaround (2008)
Objective: To show ability to create high poly model.
Programs: Maya 2008 & Photoshop CS3

Under the 3D Artwork - 3D Model tab
I have to do this one later. Will update over spring break.

Under the 2D Artwork - 2D Animation

Title: Dreaming Cat Worker (2007)
Objective: To animate a self drawn character using the tools in photoshop.
Programs: Photoshop CS3

Under the 2D Artwork - 2D Design
I have to do this one later. Will update over spring break.

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