1. Education experience in mu profession:
- Self-taught
- credit classes
2. Educational experience in a related or supporting profession
- Painting, drawing, or other art fundamentals
- Video and/or animation
- Typography (I know it but not so much)
- Writing
- Photography
- 3D modeling or rendering
- Graphic design
3. Work experience within a related or supporting profession
- Video and/or animation
4. I have software training in
- Photoshop and related imaging software
- 2D illustration program
- Web design software
- 3D or animation programs
- Video software
5. Exclusive of school, I have been working in my chosen profession for:
(Don't count time spent unemployed if you didn't freelance at least part-time.)
- < 1 year (no work experience besides school work.)
- Better than average (or Better than most)
7. Why am I making a digital portfolio?
- Required for school
- Need the experience
- Unemployed, looking for a job
- Professional project record
8. If your portfolio needs are job-related, check the statements that apply to you:
- I'll take any job I can get in my profession
9. If your portfolio needs are client-related, check the statements that apply to you:
- n/a
10. How do you like to work?
- Doesn't matter
11. What's your preferred working environment?
- I can work anywhere
12. Select the statement that fits you best:
- I will take jobs from any paying client.
13. Check the words that best describe the work you've done. Choose no more than 5 from the list.
- Personal
- Funny
- Challenging
- Organized
- Emotional
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