Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blog Post for DMA250 (For 2/17/2009) Industry Portfolios Trend

I search for 3d artist portfolios. The Sites I checked were mixed, some had flash, some were HTML. The one thing I notice is that some of the artist said that they cannot show some of their work is due to a non-disclosure agreement. Since a lot of 3d modeling and animations are made for movies, games, and other things, people don't want other people to know about it until it done. this reminded me of a post on a gaming site that posted 3d models of an upcoming game and in less than 24 hours the site took it down because they were told to by the company making the game. Like most portfolio site it includes their resume and their work. I found these 3d artist portfolio site. Also most of the 3D artist I found did work in 2d and some did programming.

Portfolio Sites: Some of the ones I found. flash portfolio html portfolio html portfolio html portfolio html portfolio flash portfolio (I like this one but was hard to read, really small font. I like the 3d animation, it reminded me of the video game "Worms.")

Trends list:
  • A page for Resume.
  • Have a color scheme that don't uses opposite colors.
  • Have work grouped by type.
  • Add description for what the work was for and when it was made.
  • Have multiple images for each work (some site only had one image for their 3d work instead of multiple angles shots.)
  • Videos in their own page or with their related still image.
  • All images should have a thumbnail view and a zoom in view.
Some in the trend list I added because I feel that this will make the site better. Most galleries had only one shot of their 3d model and it was a terrible angle and would benefit from having multiple angles. Some of the images were small even the enlarge version were still small. Most had their work grouped by type like 3d art, 2d art, etc.

Note: I added the sites to a link list instead of a blog roll because blog roll was searching for rss feeds and the site didn't have one.

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