The dominant hue of the website ( is a dark redish-brown. The color scheme is Monochromatic, everything in the site has this dark redish color. The colors are not saturated since there dark. The colors are mostly shades. The dark redish color is telling me base on how the entire site looks that she's a glamor girl (old fashion style.) She's high class and a showgirl. With all the imagery its even easier to identify the celebrity. Alone with just the dark redish-brown color I would have said bloody, or old.
What is the dominant hue of the website you picked?
What is the color scheme?
Are the colors saturated?
Are the colors mostly tints or shades?
How well do these choice express the identity of this celebrity?
What is the dominant hue of the website you picked?
What is the color scheme?
Are the colors saturated?
Are the colors mostly tints or shades?
How well do these choice express the identity of this celebrity?
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